Aug 26, 2019, 5:37 PM

By: Sondoss Al Asaad

From Sana'a to Beirut: One Foe, One Resistance

From Sana'a to Beirut: One Foe, One Resistance

TEHRAN, Aug. 26 (MNA) – Yemen's Sam FM radio had held, last June, a 35-day fundraising campaign for Hezbollah, entitled "Haste towards the Goodness of Yemen," yielded more than 74 million Yemeni riyals, despite the dire economic situation, amid the ongoing Saudi aggression.

For this reason, I have interviewed Hamoud Sharaf, the Sana'a-based radio's director to know more about the campaign, its objective and the future of resistance.

Sharaf expresses that the campaign "from believing Yemen to the Lebanese resistance will have a great impact in enhancing the resistance," adding, ''it is a sort of fidelity to those who stands behind the Yemeni people. It is equally important a painful hit to the Zionist enemy.''

''The target of the campaign has not only been a painful strike to the enemies, but at the same time, a great incentive for all the free Yemenis to effectively participate, derived from their moral responsibility before God to their nation's righteous causes and before those who stands in solidarity with them against the four years unjust aggression,'' the radio's director says.

This duty, he adds, has been stressed through Sayyed al-Houthi's vow to Hezbollah's leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah, that in any coming military confrontation, he would send the honourable Yemeni fighters to fight along with their Hezbollah brethren in Lebanon or Palestine, against the Zionist enemy.

Previous stages of the campaign had been orchestrated to support Yemeni resistance against the Zionist-American-Saudi-Emirati aggression, particularly for the various units of military industrialisation. After a few days of the campaign's inauguration and in response to Sayyed al-Houthi's calls, Yemeni people rushed voluntarily to participate, following the financial sanctions, imposed by the US, against the backdrop of Hezbollah's praiseworthy and consistent positions. 

Last April, the US imposed a new package of sanctions on Lebanese individuals accused of being affiliated to or helping provide funds for Hezbollah. The campaign has witnessed a large turnout from various academic, social religious and political components and elites of the Yemeni people, in different Yemeni governorates.

Sharaf further states, "Given the financial hardship that our Yemeni people are experiencing because of the imposed war, blockade and salary cuts for more than two years, the campaign's toll may not be great. But, due the Yemenis' faith, awareness and sincerity, God will make every riyal two folds, as expressed in the holy Quran, 'If you loan Allah a goodly loan, He will multiply it for you' [64:17].''

Sharaf continues, ''They all, through Sam FM, contributed, with pride, which shows the highest mean of altruism, sacrifice and steadfastness. Remarkably, Yemeni children partook and even granted the money allocated by their families for Eid clothes, in addition to martyrs' families, where widows and mothers had taken off their gold jewelry to donate it. This reflects the top examples of generosity, especially after they have sacrificed their loved ones for the sake of God and the nation.''

Those needy who did afford to spend on the campaign have done much more valuable than the money as they have performed prayers with the intention of victory for Hezbollah,'' the radio's director notes.

He comments, ''this popular campaign constitutes a great lesson for the upcoming generations on the one hand, and on the other hand a strong message to the hypocrites and coward enemies. The message is that under any circumstances, the free Yemenis would never abandon the path of resistance, whatever the sacrifices.''

Regarding the motives of the campaign, the radio's director points out that they had organised the campaign, ''in the aftermath of the aggressive economic sanctions against Hezbollah, for we believe that we are part and parcel of the axis of resistance, its cause, position and destiny.''

''The aim is to announce a firm Yemeni stance in response to the US administration's designation of Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation, because of its adherence to the resistance option and its courageous and honourable positions, mainly regarding the oppressed people of Yemen and Palestine,'' Sharaf stresses.

He adds, ''In addition to the aforementioned objectives, the campaign also aimed to demonstrate the fact that the Yemeni people support their brothers in Lebanon and identify with them in spite of all geography borders''.

''Sam FM's campaign to support Hezbollah has been a powerful and resounding slap in the face of the Zionist, American and Saudi-led coalition and its mercenaries, as this stage, thanks to God, has had a wide resonance and a great impact,'' Hamoud Sharaf postulates.
He argues, ''Hence, as soon as Sam FM announced it, the enemies expressed their great annoyance, as they hasted to adopt a huge media campaign to spread false rumours to distort and diminish the campaign's significance, through various platforms.''

Responding to the question of how he expect the future of the nation, he says, ''God willing, it will be a bright one for we expect the awakening of the whole nation and thus the painful defeat of the arrogant powers and the dissipate their dreams. I may her resonate His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrullah's words that 'the time of defeats is long over and the time of victories has come.'''

''Today, our nation witnesses a phase of awareness. It has discovered how the puppet regimes have long been shackling them and how they were nothing but mere tools for the global tyrant system, represented by the American administration and the Zionist entity, '' Sam FM's director says.

 Sharaf mentions that the reality have unfolded before the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation, who become conscious about who run wars in the region and who ignite tension. He stresses ''our peoples have realized who were striking their culture, their economy, their riches, their unity and their power. They have perceived that their so-called leaders are nothing but subjugated puppets.''

Sharaf goes further to say that the radical dictators have failed to force the peoples into surrender and to submit that their resistance is weaker than the American and Zionist projects. ''Meanwhile, the masks are uncovered. The peoples have realized, through the resistance's attitudes, who truly represents them. They have realised the resistance's sacrifices and how it has set noble examples of steadfastness and how it has also raised the nation's status.''

''We are victorious in the battle of consciousness. That consciousness will restore power to this nation after it has lost its glories as a result of the prolonged hegemony, occupation and subjugation, which weakened and humiliated them, occupied their land and looted their wealth,'' Sam FM's director adds.

Sharaf concludes ''through the growing awareness among the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation, the future of this nation will be a promising victorious one, and this has hit the global arrogance and dissipate its dreams. Those arrogant powers have failed to resolve their aggressive battle against Yemen, failed to uproot the Syrian regime and Hezbollah from the region, failed to force Iran into submission and failed to undermine the nation's central cause of Palestine.


News ID 149334


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